Why vaginal estrogen is free at Evernow
June 6, 2024

Medically reviewed by:
Medical Team
At Evernow, our mission is to empower women over 40 to take control of their health, particularly during menopause. Today, we are excited to announce a new member benefit: FREE ongoing FDA-approved vaginal estrogen with any 3-or 12-month membership.
Seems too good to be true? Here is why we felt free access is important:
Access to vaginal estrogen matters to millions
84% of peri/menopausal women suffer from GSM (genitourinary symptoms of menopause), including vaginal dryness, painful sex, bladder issues, and frequent UTIs. These symptoms impact quality of life and cost the healthcare system over $1B annually. GSM is preventable and treatable with vaginal estrogen, but stigma, lack of access, and misinformation prevent millions from getting treatment.
Costs are a significant barrier to access
Despite its benefits and low production costs, many companies charge high prices, making it inaccessible for many women. In fact, many of our competitors charge upwards of $120 for a 3-month supply of vaginal estrogen.
Why we decided to offer it free
Unlike our competitors, who make more money the more they prescribe, we make money based on our membership fees and the care that we provide. This means we can focus on giving you access to the medications you want, without significantly impacting our bottom line. This alignment with our mission allows us to offer vaginal estrogen for free, ensuring our interests are always aligned with yours.
If you are interested in receiving free vaginal estrogen with a multi-month membership, sign up with Evernow today. Empower your health journey with the best possible care and support.
Start your journey toward relief
Activate your membership to match with a menopause-certified provider.