Events beyond Evernow

Strengthen your community and empower yourself by joining some of our favorite menopause social & educational events.

1. Let’s Talk Menopause
A non-profit organization dedicated to changing the conversation around menopause and sharing the information you need to know. They host conversations, Q&A’s, menopause experts, and more through their events and podcasts.

2. Swell, The New Pause Symposium
The Swell has been hosting live events featuring top experts & discussion around all things menopause -- The New Pause Symposium, the Vagina Dialogues, HRT 101 & more.
Well, now they are on their way to launching the first-of-its-kind midlife community that’s reimagining how we age.
Upcoming Events
October 19th - New York City, NY

3. The Women's Health Conversations Summit
Dr. Vonda Wright presents Women’s Health Conversations, a 2-day summit designed to educate, empower & entertain smart savvy women who profoundly influence the health of everyone they touch. Join to discuss midlife, menopause & moving into your power.
Upcoming Events:
November 8th & 9th - Orlando, FL
Images courtesy of Let’s Talk Menopause, Swell - The New Pause Symposium, and The Women's Health Conversations Summit.